My name is Pastor Djimi by the grace of God, the Holy Spirit said to Apostle Stephan to set me apart for the work to which they have called me to do in Canada, wow everything that the Man of God Apostle Stephan told me it usually come to pass and the ministries is growing from Glory to Glory, i see that Power of God moving us in Canada Branch every day we gathered. we are serving the Living God and this God of E.M.O Ministries is a God of power. No one must mislead you or liar to you. be focus on Jesus Christ only and mind your our business with the Lord Jesus Christ. when you go to Church please don't be distracted by people you see and don't go to church because of Apostle but because of Jesus Christ. let love lead. i have more to say but the time is yet come. i love you all and i love you too Daddy Apostle Stephan may the Almighty God protect you and all the family in Christ.