Good Morning
I want to give my Father in heaven all the glory and honour - I have been experiencing a burning sensation in my rigth breast for a very long time and just didnt know what it was and also didnt go to the doctor of being very terrified- so i gave it to the Lord in prayer ,in this time of being at Emo my faith keep on growing and growing of the signs and wonders that i see with my very own eyes and on Sunday the man of God touched a lady who also said something about her right breast and i claimed that healing and the Most High ,Alpha and Omega heard my faith and the healing was so strong on me.I am really happy and over joyed and in the same breath i want to thank the man of God apostle Stephan for making himself available for God to use him - God continue to bless EMO and everyone who goes there,in Jesus Christ name.Amen - the best is yet to come in Jesus Christ name